Improving Event Insurance Systems for Customers

Event Insurance
Custom .NET Build
About Event Insurance

Event Insurance Services Limited provide tailored policies to fit the scale and style of the occasion – from school fetes to high profile weddings and events. They pride themselves on offering easy to understand and simple to buy policies which are underwritten by some of the world's biggest underwriters.


Event Insurances' policies have been developed with the benefit of long term experience and the clear understanding that every event is unique and special to the individual. All this means they have a customer return rate of over 90%.

Event Insurance open on a laptop.
The Challenge

Their existing agency was unable to meet their needs as the business grew and demand grew higher from their current system, they were faced with a series of barriers.


It was decided that the business needed to look for a new development partner, one that could develop the additional functionality they needed to keep their business at the forefront of the industry.

Event Insurance open on a phone.
The Solution

Following our selection as Event Insurance's new development partner, our first step was to visit the business and shadow the team using the existing system. This was an important stage of our on-boarding process, as it meant we could fully understand how the system was being used and simultaneously understand what improvements needed to be made to provide a better user experience.


The next step was to complete a full code review, which served 2 key purposes. The first was that it meant we could familiarise ourselves with the code and understand how the system worked and the second meant that we could identify any faults or weaknesses.


We took the information generated from both these steps and produced an improvements & priority report to present to the client.


Following a successful on-boarding process we began to implement the additional functionality that Event Insurance wanted in their custom .NET build, which included the likes of a blanket price increase, new policy functionality and corresponding landing pages for their website.

Interested in finding out more about Cold Banana then get in touch.
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